Morholt is the Rau'n of War, who revels in conflict and warfare between all beings. Be it the drunken brawling of a handful of petty thieves, or the organized death and destruction of vast battlefields; he takes great pleasure in it all. He often exerts considerable and often whimsical influence on the battlefields of the lands, and he loves to sew personal conflicts and spark new wars. He has however been known to intervene and end wars if they threaten the cosmic balance.
The physical manifestation of Morholt appears as a levitating collection of armour and weapons, animated into an inexact and twisted human form. It is said the armour and weaponry that constitute his avatar is collected from the great battlefields of the realm, complete with battle damage and blood stains. Those who gaze upon Morholt have reported that there is seemingly no physical substance inside the armour, just a glowing presence projected from his visor. Their investigations are often cut short however, as an ever heightening sense of anger and battle lust overwhelms them.