A tribe's shaman negotiating with the local rainforest's rau'n.
Every single thing and concept and facet in the Cocoon has a spirit: the rau'n. They make sure that everything functions accordingly to how the Mother intended them to work. The rau'n are what hold the orderly world together in an intricate pattern that follows the Grand Design. Their roles are vital to the Cocoon's stability. Rau'n vary in appearance and power. Some are indistinguishable from mortals, while others are sanity-blasting combinations of fractal shapes and colors never seen before. Some appear imposing, colossal and majestic, while others look tiny and insignificant. They are naturally immaterial beings that can materialize upon will, especially if they have business with mortals.
The Ao[]
The Ao are the most ancient of rau'n.
- Rau'n of Creation: Eos
- Rau'n of Sorcery: Aoide (Formerly), Somna'ath
- Rau'n of Time: Cerod
- Rau'n of Fate: Nimue
- Rau'n of Destruction: Gavanoth
- Rau'n of Sun: Biruda
- Rau'n of Moon
- Rau'n of Space
- Rau'n of Light: Seras
- Rau'n of Darkness: Viinu
- Rau'n of Sky: Adarna
- Rau'n of Sea
- Rau'n of Life: Neyith
- Rau'n of Death: Jael
The Anu[]
The Anu are rau'n with specialized yet universal influence.
- Rau'n of War: Morholt
- Rau'n of Peace/Hope: Jazaria (Slain)
- Rau'n of Fertility: Dian Masalanta
- Rau'n of Health/Healing
- Rau'n of Hunting
- Rau'n of Stars: Tala
- Rau'n of Hearth
- Rau'n of Beauty: Shilen
- Rau'n of Secrets
- Rau'n of Knowledge: Raiha
- Rau'n of Trickery: Veldrane
- Rau'n of Music: Shaleska
- Rau'n of Dance: Lothren
- Rau'n of Rain
- Rau'n of Snow: Zarethi
- Rau'n of Famine
- Rau'n of Plagues
- Rau'n of Shadows: Najare
- Rau'n of Illusion
- Rau'n of Deserts
- Rau'n of Rivers/Lakes
- Rau'n of Honor/Loyalty: Aradon
The Tengri[]
The Tengri are rau'n that represent the five major elements in the Cocoon.
- Rau'n of Fire: Gisella
- Rau'n of Water: Deodas
- Rau'n of Air: Yngvar
- Rau'n of Earth: Mapulon
- Rau'n of Wood: